Assignment: Making Data Management Decisions

Program and outputs

import pandas
import numpy

data = pandas.read_csv('gapminder.csv')
print('Total number of countries: {0}'.format(len(data)))
Total number of countries: 213
# Convert numeric types
data['incomeperperson'] = pandas.to_numeric(data['incomeperperson'], errors='coerce')

# Drop any countries with missing GPD
data = data[pandas.notnull(data['incomeperperson'])]

print('Remaining number of countries: {0}'.format(len(data['incomeperperson'])))
Remaining number of countries: 190
# Since GDP per person isn't categorical data, I'm going to group it by magnitude first
groups = [pow(10, i) for i in range(2, 7)]
labels = ['{0} - {1}'.format(groups[index], i) for index, i in enumerate(groups[1:])]
print('Groups: {0}'.format(labels))
Groups: ['100 - 1000', '1000 - 10000', '10000 - 100000', '100000 - 1000000']
grouped = pandas.cut(data['incomeperperson'], groups, right=False, labels=labels)
print('Counts for GDP per person, grouped by magnitude:')
print('\nPercentages for GDP per person, grouped by magnitude:')
print(grouped.value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True))
Counts for GDP per person, grouped by magnitude:
100 - 1000          54
1000 - 10000        89
10000 - 100000      46
100000 - 1000000     1
Name: incomeperperson, dtype: int64

Percentages for GDP per person, grouped by magnitude:
100 - 1000          0.284211
1000 - 10000        0.468421
10000 - 100000      0.242105
100000 - 1000000    0.005263
Name: incomeperperson, dtype: float64
# Now do the above for all of my consumption types
types = [
    ('alcconsumption', 'Alcohol Consumption'),
    ('co2emissions', 'CO2 Emissions'),
    ('internetuserate', 'Internet Use Rate'),
    ('oilperperson', 'Oil per Person'),
    ('relectricperperson', 'Electricity per Person'),
def summarize(series, name):
    # Convert to numeric and drop NaNs
    series = pandas.to_numeric(series, errors='coerce')

    grouped = pandas.qcut(series, 4)
    print('-' * len(name))
    print('Counts for {0} grouped by percentile:'.format(name))
    print('Percentages for {0}, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)'.format(name))
    print(grouped.value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True))

for (key, name) in types:
    summarize(data[key], name)
Alcohol Consumption
Counts for Alcohol Consumption grouped by percentile:
[0.05, 2.73]       45
(2.73, 6.12]       45
(6.12, 10.035]     44
(10.035, 23.01]    45
Name: alcconsumption, dtype: int64
Percentages for Alcohol Consumption, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)
[0.05, 2.73]       0.251397
(2.73, 6.12]       0.251397
(6.12, 10.035]     0.245810
(10.035, 23.01]    0.251397
Name: alcconsumption, dtype: float64

CO2 Emissions
Counts for CO2 Emissions grouped by percentile:
[850666.667, 39924500]            45
(39924500, 234864666.667]         45
(234864666.667, 2138961000]       44
(2138961000, 334220872333.333]    45
Name: co2emissions, dtype: int64
Percentages for CO2 Emissions, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)
[850666.667, 39924500]            0.251397
(39924500, 234864666.667]         0.251397
(234864666.667, 2138961000]       0.245810
(2138961000, 334220872333.333]    0.251397
Name: co2emissions, dtype: float64

Internet Use Rate
Counts for Internet Use Rate grouped by percentile:
[0.21, 9.949]         46
(9.949, 31.00438]     46
(31.00438, 55.646]    45
(55.646, 95.638]      46
Name: internetuserate, dtype: int64
Percentages for Internet Use Rate, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)
[0.21, 9.949]         0.251366
(9.949, 31.00438]     0.251366
(31.00438, 55.646]    0.245902
(55.646, 95.638]      0.251366
Name: internetuserate, dtype: float64

Oil per Person
Counts for Oil per Person grouped by percentile:
[0.0323, 0.505]    16
(0.505, 0.891]     15
(0.891, 1.593]     15
(1.593, 12.229]    15
Name: oilperperson, dtype: int64
Percentages for Oil per Person, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)
[0.0323, 0.505]    0.262295
(0.505, 0.891]     0.245902
(0.891, 1.593]     0.245902
(1.593, 12.229]    0.245902
Name: oilperperson, dtype: float64

Electricity per Person
Counts for Electricity per Person grouped by percentile:
[0, 226.318]             33
(226.318, 609.335]       32
(609.335, 1484.703]      32
(1484.703, 11154.755]    33
Name: relectricperperson, dtype: int64
Percentages for Electricity per Person, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)
[0, 226.318]             0.253846
(226.318, 609.335]       0.246154
(609.335, 1484.703]      0.246154
(1484.703, 11154.755]    0.253846
Name: relectricperperson, dtype: float64


I began by dropping any rows where GDP per capita was missing, since I’m looking to eventually compare that to my various consumption categories. Then I showed the output of GDP grouped by magnitude (100 - 1000, 1000 - 10000, 10000 - 100000, 100000 - 1000000) since those gave me the most meaningful groupings.

Once that was done, I wanted to summarize each of my consumption types. For those I used the qcut method explained in this weeks lesson to break them each into quartiles.

Alcohol, CO2, and Internet use rate generally seem to have pretty thorough coverage of data (~180 countries), but oil and electricity per person are missing a lot more data. I’ll probably end up just using the first three types.