Assignment: Running Your First Program
18 Jun 2016Program and outputs
import pandas
import numpy
data = pandas.read_csv('gapminder.csv')
print('Total number of countries: {0}'.format(len(data)))
Total number of countries: 213
# Convert numeric types and drop NaNs
data['incomeperperson'] = pandas.to_numeric(data['incomeperperson'], errors='coerce')
print('Remaining number of countries: {0}'.format(len(data['incomeperperson'])))
Remaining number of countries: 190
# Since GDP per person isn't categorical data, I'm going to group it by magnitude first
groups = [pow(10, i) for i in range(2, 7)]
labels = ['{0} - {1}'.format(groups[index], i) for index, i in enumerate(groups[1:])]
print('Groups: {0}'.format(labels))
Groups: ['100 - 1000', '1000 - 10000', '10000 - 100000', '100000 - 1000000']
grouped = pandas.cut(data['incomeperperson'], groups, right=False, labels=labels)
print('Counts for GDP per person, grouped by magnitude:')
print('\nPercentages for GDP per person, grouped by magnitude:')
print(grouped.value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True))
Counts for GDP per person, grouped by magnitude:
100 - 1000 54
1000 - 10000 89
10000 - 100000 46
100000 - 1000000 1
Name: incomeperperson, dtype: int64
Percentages for GDP per person, grouped by magnitude:
100 - 1000 0.284211
1000 - 10000 0.468421
10000 - 100000 0.242105
100000 - 1000000 0.005263
Name: incomeperperson, dtype: float64
# Now do the above for all of my consumption types
types = [
('alcconsumption', 'Alcohol Consumption'),
('co2emissions', 'CO2 Emissions'),
('internetuserate', 'Internet Use Rate'),
('oilperperson', 'Oil per Person'),
('relectricperperson', 'Electricity per Person'),
def summarize(series, name):
# Convert to numeric and drop NaNs
series = pandas.to_numeric(series, errors='coerce')
percentiles = numpy.linspace(0, 1, 5)
groups = list(series.quantile(percentiles))
labels = ['{0} - {1}'.format(groups[index], i) for index, i in enumerate(groups[1:])]
grouped = pandas.cut(series, groups, right=False, labels=labels)
print('-' * len(name))
print('Counts for {0} grouped by percentile:'.format(name))
print('Percentages for {0}, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)'.format(name))
print(grouped.value_counts(sort=False, normalize=True))
for (key, name) in types:
summarize(data[key], name)
Alcohol Consumption
Counts for Alcohol Consumption grouped by percentile:
0.03 - 2.625 47
2.625 - 5.92 45
5.92 - 9.925 48
9.925 - 23.01 46
Name: alcconsumption, dtype: int64
Percentages for Alcohol Consumption, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)
0.03 - 2.625 0.252688
2.625 - 5.92 0.241935
5.92 - 9.925 0.258065
9.925 - 23.01 0.247312
Name: alcconsumption, dtype: float64
CO2 Emissions
Counts for CO2 Emissions grouped by percentile:
132000.0 - 34846166.66666667 50
34846166.66666667 - 185901833.3333335 50
185901833.3333335 - 1846084166.666665 50
1846084166.666665 - 334220872333.333 49
Name: co2emissions, dtype: int64
Percentages for CO2 Emissions, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)
132000.0 - 34846166.66666667 0.251256
34846166.66666667 - 185901833.3333335 0.251256
185901833.3333335 - 1846084166.666665 0.251256
1846084166.666665 - 334220872333.333 0.246231
Name: co2emissions, dtype: float64
Internet Use Rate
Counts for Internet Use Rate grouped by percentile:
0.210066325622776 - 9.999603951038267 48
9.999603951038267 - 31.81012075468915 48
31.81012075468915 - 56.41604586287351 48
56.41604586287351 - 95.6381132075472 47
Name: internetuserate, dtype: int64
Percentages for Internet Use Rate, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)
0.210066325622776 - 9.999603951038267 0.251309
9.999603951038267 - 31.81012075468915 0.251309
31.81012075468915 - 56.41604586287351 0.251309
56.41604586287351 - 95.6381132075472 0.246073
Name: internetuserate, dtype: float64
Oil per Person
Counts for Oil per Person grouped by percentile:
0.03228146619272 - 0.5325414918259135 16
0.5325414918259135 - 1.03246988375935 15
1.03246988375935 - 1.6227370046323601 16
1.6227370046323601 - 12.228644991426199 15
Name: oilperperson, dtype: int64
Percentages for Oil per Person, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)
0.03228146619272 - 0.5325414918259135 0.258065
0.5325414918259135 - 1.03246988375935 0.241935
1.03246988375935 - 1.6227370046323601 0.258065
1.6227370046323601 - 12.228644991426199 0.241935
Name: oilperperson, dtype: float64
Electricity per Person
Counts for Electricity per Person grouped by percentile:
0.0 - 203.65210850945525 34
203.65210850945525 - 597.1364359554304 34
597.1364359554304 - 1491.145248925905 34
1491.145248925905 - 11154.7550328078 33
Name: relectricperperson, dtype: int64
Percentages for Electricity per Person, grouped by percentile (should probably be 25%)
0.0 - 203.65210850945525 0.251852
203.65210850945525 - 597.1364359554304 0.251852
597.1364359554304 - 1491.145248925905 0.251852
1491.145248925905 - 11154.7550328078 0.244444
Name: relectricperperson, dtype: float64
Since my data wasn’t categorical, it was a bit tricky to make it all work with value counts. However, that gave me the opportunity to learn a bit more about the pandas library, and how to create categories out of non-categorical data.
One thing I noticed pretty quickly, was that for both GDP and my various consumption variables, once the values started growing, they grow very quickly. For example, most of the alcohol consumption variables centered around 5 liters, but at the high end, it went as far as 23 liters.